We introduce notions of dimension and dynamical entropy for unital C *algebras "metrized" by means of cLip-norms, which are complex-scalar versions of the Lip-norms constitutive of Rieffel's compact quantum metric spaces. Our examples involve the UHF algebras Mp∞ and noncommutative tori. In particular we show that the entropy of a noncommutative toral automorphism with respect to the canonical cLipnorm coincides with the topological entropy of its commutative analogue.Date: November 4, 2002.Proposition 5.12. If α ∈ Aut L (A), σ is an α-invariant state on A, and k ∈ Z, then Entp L,σ (α k ) = |k| Entp L,σ (α).Proposition 5.13. If α ∈ Aut L (A) and σ is an α-invariant state on A thenProof. It suffices to show that, for a given Ω ∈ P f (L ∩ A 1 ) and δ > 0,and for this inequality we need only observe that if X is a finite-dimensional subspace of A such that Ω ⊂ δ X, then whenever a ∈ Ω and x ∈ X satisfy a − x < δ we haveso that π(X)ξ σ is a subspace of H σ with π(Ω)ξ σ ⊂ δ π(X)ξ σ and dim π(Ω)ξ σ ≤ dim X.Corollary 5.14. If Mdim L (A) is finite and α ∈ Aut L (A) is Lipschitz isometric then Entp L,σ (α) = 0. In particular Entp L,σ (id A ) = 0.