NASA conducted a multldlsclpllnary fllght research program on the F-15 alrplane. The program began ln 1976 when two preproductlon alrplanes were obtalned from the U.S. Alr Force. MaJor proJects lnvolved stablllty and control, handllng qualltles, propulslon, aerodynamlcs, propulslon controls, and lntegrated propulslonfllght controls. Several government agencles and aerospace contractors were lnvolv~d. In excess of 330 fllghts were flown, and over 85 papers and reports were publlshed. ThlS document descrlbes the overall program, the proJects, and the key results. The F-15 was demonstrated to be an excellent fllght research vehlcle, produclng hlgh-quallty results.