A desc riptiue study rising cliiiical inetliodologi/ zim condirc~fcif to identifi and describe cure and sitespecifj'c s yinptonis reported bij 15 patients with cancer if the digestive organs zoho received rstcrnnl mdiatioir therapy. A 47-itein Radiation Syniptoni Scale i(~7s ifesigtred bq tlie investigators jbr this stiidy Si/niptonis identifieif by patients with ii rnean occrrrrmce of at least "sonretivies" Z D C Y~ considtwd poteiz t id defining clin rac terist ics a I i d were sribrnitted to a panel qfesperts for iden t ifim t ion of n ii rsiiig diagnoses. Seuen tecn niirsir I , " diagnoses, with their associated defining cha racf cris t ics, zuere identified and class ified with ii i eight tiinctional Health Patterns (FHP). Half of fhe nursing diagnoses were fornziilatcd within tlie Nutrific,rial-Metabolic and Eliniination patterns. Foiir of the FHPs were related to prirriarili/ functionid patterns; foiir were primarily psyclii)lr)~~ical-belzauior~l. Resiilts of the stiidii descrih tlrc nursing needs ofpatients zuho rccciuc radiotlruapy to the digestiuc organs.