Objective: To assess the effectiveness of assistive devices to enhancethe activity of daily living (ADL) and quality (QoL) of life in post-polio paralyzed childrenvisitingthe rehabilitation centre of Peshawar, Pakistan. Methodology: It was an interventional study, before and after using the AT, carried out in the PIPOS rehabilitation centre, Peshawar, from 2021 January to July.A total of 246 children of age 10-15 years were recruited.Both the genders, male(159) and female (87) with post-polio paralysis, were included.Before the intervention, verbal consent was taken from all these children, semi-structured questionnaire was developed to see the effect of the assistive device usage before and after 6 months to check the quality of ADL and QoL.The SUNNAAS index for ADL and WHO-BREFindex for quality of life (QoL) were used. The analysis was done on STATA version 14.0. Results: Male 95 and female 65 children participated in our study. The meandifference was -8.658 was analyzedfor the SUNNAS index of ADL, and the mean of -22.479 and SD 6.350 for the WHO index of QoL were analyzed at a 95% confidence interval. Two paired t-test was significant, with a value of 0.000 P-value for both the indices.