In the last decade a group of Ca2+ channels called Piezo were discovered, demonstrating a decisive role in the cellular response to mechanical stimuli and being essential in the biological behaviour of cells regarding the extracellular compartment. Several investigations have suggested a potential role in carcinogenesis with a tumor supressor role in some cases, but increased expression in several high grade neoplasms. Regarding Piezo2 expression in mammary gland neoplasms, early results suggested a protective role of Piezo2, but posterior works resulted in a relationship between Piezo2 expression and the highly-aggressive triple negative phenotype of breast carcinoma.
A cohort of 125 patients with clinical follow up was chosen to study Piezo2 expression and clarify its clinical implications, using the same immunohistochemical valuation performed for other breast carcinoma parameters. Fisher exact was chosen to identify potential relationships between the different variables. A significant association was found with the Ki67 proliferation index, but not with mitoses. The tendency of most proliferative tumors was to have a diminished score for Piezo2. A similar association was found between Piezo2 expression and perineurial invasion.