The research was carried out on gray forest heavy loamy soils of the Ancestral region of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to identify the productivity and adaptability of hybrids of LLC "Selection" to local conditions. Thirteen hybrids of different growing season duration were sown: ultra-early – Severina, Bertha, Vidora, Sugar early Delicacy 121; early-ripening - Cool-175, Agatha, Spring-179, Spring–180, Cool-185, Darina; medium-early - Spring-279, Diana and Sugar Alina. The technology of corn cultivation was generally accepted for the Republic of Tatarstan. Background fertilizer N16P16K16 was applied for pre-sowing cultivation. Hybrids were evaluated according to the realization of feed and grain potential in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the years of research, the studied hybrids showed inherent genetic properties of drought resistance in relation to stressful weather and climatic conditions. The hybrids Rodnik-180 (189.0 cm), Severina (173.7 cm), Agate (173.0 cm) had the highest plant height in the phase of milk ripeness. The highest aboveground mass was observed in hybrids Rodnik-292 (63.88 t/ha), Severina (58.25 t/ha). The largest leaf apparatus was formed in the phase of milk ripeness by hybrids: Diana (47.48 thousand m2/ha) and Rodnik-292 (47.42 thousand m2/ha), which in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan can be cultivated for fodder purposes to obtain juicy green feed. The highest grain yield was obtained from an early-maturing hybrid of Darin, which had the highest indicators of the mass of cobs (241.3 g), the mass of grain from the cob (187.5 g), the mass of 1000 grains (391.5 g) As a result, a yield was formed, almost twice the planned value (192.6% or 9.63 t/ha). Also, high grain yields were obtained by growing ultra-early hybrids of Severin (7.49 t/ha) and Bertha (7.35 t/ha).