open Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:6246 | by using portable NIR instruments. Determination coefficients around 0.90 between NIR spectra and pressure chamber measurements were obtained 7,8 . Recently, a NIR spectrophotometer mounted on a vehicle and operating without plant contact was used with the same purpose and a correlation coefficient (R 2 ) of 0.88 was obtained for the estimation of the estomatal conductance 9 . Leaf relative water content has also been addressed with R 2 between 0.66 and 0.81 10 . Infrared spectroscopy techniques have also been applied in grapevine leaves for classification purposes. Grapevine varietal and clone identification were successfully tested using the hyperspectral image of a leaf measured in reflectance mode and proper classifications around 95% were obtained in both cases 11,12 . In the same context, Gutierrez et al. (2015) used a portable NIR instrument for in-field grapevine varieties discrimination using the leaves spectra 13 . A total of 20 different grapevine varieties were included in this study and around 85% of correct predictions were obtained. In another work, the accuracy of Vis-NIR spectroscopy to discriminate between vineyard soils using leaves spectra was demonstrated. A comparison with the existing soil map proved that the NIR spectroscopy based estimation was very similar 14 . Moreover, the results obtained in this work confirmed that the same variety planted in different soils will grow differently, or in other words, the grapevine leaves reflect the soil where the vines are located. However, as far as we know, there are no studies regarding the discrimination of leaves of the same grapevine variety collected at different vineyards located in two geographical regions using infrared spectroscopy.The analysis of grapevine leaves should also take into account the vegetative cycle of the plant. The vegetative cycle is a process that takes place in the vineyard each year and comprises all the morphological and biological changes. These changes are called phenological stages and their occurrence and duration is influenced by climatic factors 15 . It is known that leaf metabolites composition vary significantly over the vegetative cycle, especially during the ripening period due to environmental factors or the plant development 16 . These parameters are genetically determined, however their expression throughout the grape ripening process change with agricultural and environmental factors 17 .In this sense, this work intends to investigate the suitability of two infrared techniques, near and mid infrared spectroscopy, for the discrimination of grapevine leaves of the same variety growing in two different geographical locations (different leaves vegetative cycles were also considered by collecting samples over different months during the ripening process), for the discrimination leaves' vegetative cycle and also for the determination of total chlorophylls and ...