The 1 weed¯ora (comprising seven species) of a ®eld continuously grown with soyabean was simulated for 4 years, using semivariograms established from previous ®eld observations. Various sampling methods were applied and compared for accurately estimating mean plant densities, for diering weed species and years. The tested methods were based on (a) random selection wherein samples were chosen either entirely randomly, randomly with at least 10 or 20 m between samples, or randomly after stratifying the ®eld; (b) systematic selection where samples were placed along diagonals or along zig-zagged lines across the ®eld; (c) predicted Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv seedling maps which were used to divide the ®eld into low-and highdensity areas and to choose the largest sample proportion in the high-density area. For each method, sampling was performed with 5±40 samples. Systematic methods generally resulted in the lowest estimation error, followed by the random methods and ®nally by the predicted-map methods. In case of species over-or under-represented along the diagonals or the zig-zag sampling line, the systematic methods performed badly, especially with low sample numbers. In those instances, random methods were best, especially those imposing a minimal distance between samples. Even for S. viridis, the methods based on predicted S. viridis maps were not satisfactory, except with low sample numbers. The relationships between sampling error and species characteristics (mean density, variability, spatial structures) were also studied.In previous work (Colbach et al., 2000), the seedling densities of seven weed species [Amaranthus retro¯exus L.; Asclepias syriaca L.; Chenopodium album L.; Cirsium arvense (L). Scop.; Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski; Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.; Sinapis arvensis L.] were counted in a continuously grown soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] ®eld (244 m´54 m) at the Swan Lake Research Farm, Stevens Co., Minnesota, USA. From 1993 to 1997, the densities of the seven weed species were counted on 0.1-m 2 quadrats at 410 permanently marked locations within a 6.1-m (20-foot) grid system. The ®eld received standard weed management practices, which 412 N Colbach et al.