Symmetry breaking is a fundamental concept in condensed matter physics whose presence often heralds new phases of matter. For instance, the breaking of time reversal symmetry is traditionally linked to magnetic phases in a material, while the breaking of gauge symmetry can lead to superfluidity/superconductivity. Nematic phases are phases in which rotational symmetry is broken while maintaining translational symmetry, and are traditionally associated with liquid crystals. Electronic nematic states where the orthogonal in-plane crystal directions have different electronic properties have garnered a great deal of attention after their discovery in Sr 3 Ru 2 O 7 , 1 multiple iron based superconductors, 2,3 and in the superconducting state of CuBiSe. 4,5 Here we demonstrate the existence of an electronic nematic phase in the two-dimensional carrier gas that forms at the (111) LaAlO 3 (LAO)/SrTiO 3 (STO) interface that onsets at low temperatures, and is tunable by an electric field.Over more than a decade, the two-dimensional conducting gas that forms at the LAO/STO interface has been intensively studied because of the variety of properties that can be controlled through the application of an in-situ electric field, including conductivity, superconductivity, 6-8 ferromagnetism, 7-11 and the spinorbit interaction. 12,13 Until recently, most of these studies focused on the (001) orientation of the LAO/STO heterostructures, while the (110) and (111) orientations have remained relatively unexplored. The (111) orientation of the LAO/STO interface is especially interesting due to the hexagonal symmetry of the titanium atoms at the interface, shown schematically in Fig. 1(a). This configuration has been likened to a strongly correlated analogue of graphene, and has been predicted to exhibit topological properties, unconventional superconductivity, as well as nematic phases. [14][15][16] Electric transport measurements have shown that the (111) LAO/STO interface exhibits many of the properties already seen in (001) LAO/STO, including a coexistence of superconductivity R⊡ (kΩ) 0 5 10 15 20 Vg (V) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 [112] [110] Ti 1 Ti 2 Ti3 O [110] [112] [ 1 1 1 ] [110] (a) (b) I VL VH VL VH [112] [110] I T=4.4K [112] FIG. 1. a) Schematic representation of the first three monolayers at the LAO/STO interface with the [112] and [110] labeled. The red atoms represent the oxygen and blue atom titanium. The titanium atoms are further labeled Ti 1/2/3 to indicate their distance away from the interface, with Ti 1 being at the interface. (b) Averaged R vs Vg for the [112]/ [110] in red/black measured simultaneously at 4.4 K. The inset shows a schematic of the device configuration on each measured LAO/STO sample.and magnetism. 17-20 However, the feature that distinguishes the (111) interface from the (001) interface is the strong anisotropy with respect to surface crystal direc-arXiv:1708.04809v2 [cond-mat.str-el]