To uncover how synaptic integration of feedforward sensory inputs is affected in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), we used two-photon uncaging of caged glutamate to activate two clustered spines in the basal dendrites of layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neurons from a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common genetic cause of ASD. While subthreshold excitatory inputs integrate linearly in wild-type animals, surprisingly those with FXS summate sublinearly, contradicting what would be expected of a hyperexcitable cortex typically associated with ASD. Knockdown of the regulatory β4 subunit of BK channels, rescues the synaptic integration, a result that was corroborated with numerical simulations. Taken together, these findings suggest that there is a differential impairment in the integration of feedforward sensory and feedback predictive inputs in L5 pyramidal neurons in FXS and potentially other forms of ASD. These results challenge the traditional view that FXS and other ASD are characterized by sensory hypersensitivity, but instead by hyposensitivity of sensory inputs and hypersensitivity of predictive inputs onto cortical neurons.