Glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina, functions by activation of both ionotropic (iGluR) and metabotropic (mGluR) glutamate receptors. Group III mGluRs, except for mGluR6, are mostly found in the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and their retinal functions are not well known. Therefore, we decided to investigate the effect of mGluRIII on glutamate release and GABAergic amacrine cells in the chick retina. The nonselective mGluRIII agonist L-SOP promoted a decrease in the number of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-positive cells and in the GABA immunoreactivity in all sublayers of the IPL. This effect was prevented by the antagonist MAP-4, by GAT-1 inhibitor, and by antagonists of iGluR. Under the conditions used, L-SOP did not alter endogenous glutamate release. VU0155041, an mGluR4-positive allosteric modulator, reduced GABA immunoreactivity in amacrine cells and in sublayers 2 and 4 of the IPL but evoked an increase in the glutamate released. VU0155041's effect was inhibited by the absence of calcium. AMN082, a selective mGluR7-positive allosteric modulator, also decreased GABA immunoreactivity in amacrine cells and sublayers 1, 2, and 3 and increased glutamate release, and this effect was also inhibited by calcium absence. DCPG, an mGluR8-selective agonist, did not significantly alter GABA immunoreactivity in amacrine cells or glutamate release. However, it did significantly increase GABA immunoreactivity in sublayers 4 and 5. The results suggest that mGluRIIIs are involved in the modulation of glutamate and GABA release in the retina, possibly participating in distinct visual pathways: mGluR4 might be involved with cholinergic circuitry, whereas mGluR7 and mGluR8 might participate, respectively, in the OFF and the ON pathways.