Spreading depolarization (SD) occurs frequently in the injured brain, and its neurochemical effects are detrimental to brain function. We report the first observation that the release of ascorbate,animportant neurochemical in the brain, is closely accompanied with SD.Ascorbate was monitored with carbon nanotube (CNT)-sheathed carbon fiber microelectrodes (CFEs). This system features high selectivity and temporal/ spatial resolution. With our sensor,w eo bserved as ignificant increase in the concentration of ascorbate in response to SD induction. Mechanistic studies show ac ontrasting behavior; with aSDspecific inhibitor,release was completely suppressed, whereas with inhibition of commonly employed glutamate transporters,a scorbate release was increased, demonstrating apowerful means of discriminating ascorbate release between disputed pathways.M ost importantly,w eo bserved the propagative nature of ascorbate release following SD.