Neste trabalho as isomerizações térmica e fotoquímica do 4-dimetilaminoazobenzeno e do ditizonato de mercúrio foram estudadas tanto em solventes quanto em matrizes poliméricas. A cinética destas reações foi estudada usando-se funções exponenciais para o cálculo das constantes aparentes de velocidade. Observou-se que o comportamento cinético em soluções pode ser descrito por uma função mono-exponencial, enquanto que em sistemas poliméricos têm-se que empregar funções bi-exponenciais. As constantes de velocidades são fortemente influenciadas pelas interações soluto/solvente (ou polímero) além de, também, serem influenciadas pelos processos de tratamento térmico dos filmes poliméricos. Observou-se que, em geral, as reações são mais rápidas em meios mais polares (solventes e polímeros) devido a estabilização de diferentes tautômeros.Thermal and photo-isomerization reactions of mercury dithizonate and 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene were studied in solutions and in polymer matrices. We used exponential functions to calculate the rate constants for both processes. The kinetic behavior was well described by monoexponential functions for these dyes dissolved in solvents, although bi-exponential functions are required when these dyes are dissolved in polymers. The rate constants are strongly influenced by dye/solvent and dye/polymer interactions, as well as by the aging processes of the polymer matrix. In general, the reaction is faster in more polar mediums, solvents or polymer matrices, since stabilization of different tautomers takes place. We also showed that larger molecules isomerize slowly and slower isomerization has also been observed for annealed samples. Both results are attributed to the importance of free-volumes in polymeric matrices.Keywords: 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene, mercury dithizonate, polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate), thermoisomerization
IntroductionAzo-dyes are one of the most important and versatile classes of synthetic organic compounds, with an enormous variety of applications. [1][2][3][4] Technological applications of these dyes result from the combination of the properties of the azo-group and several types of aromatic-substituted ligands that confer to them intense color over the whole visible range, thermal and photochemical stability, noncomplex synthetic methodologies and low costs of production. More recently, some of these dyes have been studied as materials for non-linear optical applications when they contain substituents on the aromatic rings with push-pull electron ability. 1,2,5,6 This confers to the dye a very large permanent electrical dipole moment improving the non-linear optical properties. Non-linear optical properties of several types of azodyes make them very useful for photonic devices, surface gratings, [8][9][10][11][12] photo-alignment in liquid crystalline polymers, 13 storage information among other applications.14 One requirement for second order non-linear susceptibility is to produce materials without centrosymmetry order of the dye arrangement.7 Thus, to avoid the p...