Received 26 No~rnb~r I~)0 ,~r.~trophcstometrl¢, ~lttntt)r ~,hromalOllr~phy and eros~,hnklnil exl~rm~nls provided e~M,~nu Ih~t cyh~hton~ P,4~0w¢ fron'~ b~ln¢ ~dren~ort). ¢al mtt~htmdrta farms a Iqlhl eumple~c with =yt~hrame ~ from r~bblt h~er rnlcrmomes l)~ the r~or, s0tuled system fholest=r¢~l aside chain acthrlly ol'c)'tuchrome P-4SOscc was ~nhanc~l b~' the atldlllOn of~yt~hrorne b, Cyt~hrome P.4~IO,~, Cytoehf~me b,, t.:~mplex formation, Arltnhy ~hromatollraph),, Chemical woss.hnklnll
I, INTRODUCTIONCytochrom¢ P.4S0.dependent monooxygenases can be classified into two large groups [I}'. 0) 'ferredoxindependent' monooxygenases each consistmg of a t'lavoprotein, an iron.sulfur protein, and cytoehrome P.4S0; (h) 'm=crosomaP monooxygenases each containin8 only a flavoprotein and cytochrome P-450. Interrelation between these two groups of monooxygenases, regulat=on of the electron transfer in the membranes of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and interaction of the two groups of monooxygenases are unclear. Here we report that cytochrome P-4$0ssc from bovine adrenocort=cal mttochondria can form a tight complex wtth cytochrome bs from rabbtt hver mtcrosomes. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that there =s an interactton between 'microsomal' and 'ferredoxmdependent' monooxygenases and that cytochrome b~ may function as a mobtle earner between microsomes and mttochondrta.
1 C/)emtca/$Thyopropyl-Sepharose, Scpharose 4B, CNBr activated Sepharose 4B, Sephadex G-25 (free) were f-orn Pharmacla Sodmrn cholate, cholesterol, pregnenolone, Tween 20, EDC from Serva
P.rfftcatJon of mtcrosoma/and mttochondrlal enzymesCytochrome P-450scc was purified from bovine adrenocortlcal mttochondrta to electrophoretic homogenetty on immobilized adrenodoxm and cholate-Sepharose as described previously [2]. Intact cytochrome bs (d-bat containing the hydrophoblc C-terminal sequence was purified as a by-product of punflcatmn of cytochrome
220045, USSRAbbrevtatton" EDC, l.ethyl-3-(dlrnethylarnmopropyl)carbod.rntde
2,3 Immobih~tlotl of ¢ytochrom¢ P.4JO$ce add eytochrome bjCytoclname P.4S0~:e tva= Immobihzed o. CNBr.acttv=ted $