These trials demonstrate that the full SDD regimen using parenteral and enteral antimicrobials reduces lower airway infection by 72 %, blood stream infection by 37 %, and mortality by 29 %. Resistance is also controlled. Parenteral cefotaxime which reaches high salivary and biliary concentrations eradicates overgrowth of 'normal' bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus in the throat. Enteral polyenes control 'normal' Candida species. Enteral polymyxin and tobramycin, eradicate, or prevent gut overgrowth of 'abnormal' AGNB. Enteral vancomycin controls overgrowth of 'abnormal' methicillin-resistant S. aureus. SDD controls overgrowth by achieving high antimicrobial concentrations effective against 'normal' and 'abnormal' potential pathogens rather than by selectivity.