Colloidal nanocrystals are sometimes referred to as 'artificial atoms' because the density of their electronic states-which controls many physical properties-can be widely and easily tuned by adjusting composition, size and shape. The combination of strongly size-and shape-dependent physical properties and ease of fabrication and processing makes nanocrystals promising building blocks for materials with designed functions 1,2 . But the ability to control the uniformity of the size, shape, composition, crystal structure and surface properties of the nanocrystals is not only of technological interest: having access to defined nanoscale structures is essential to uncovering their intrinsic properties unaffected by sample inhomogeneity. Rigorous understanding of the properties of individual nanocrystals enables exploitation of collective properties of nanocrystal ensembles, making it possible to design and fabricate novel electronic, magnetic and photonic devices and other functional materials based on these nanostructures.Colloidal nanocrystals with a semiconductor as the inorganic material-so-called quantum dots-exhibit size tunable band gaps and luminescence energies due to the quantum size effect 3 . This has led to their use as fluorescent biological labels 4-6 , with colloidal quantum dots now widely employed as targeted fluorescent labels in biomedical research applications. Compared to the organic fluorophores that have been used as biological labels previously, quantum dots are extremely bright and do not photo-bleach, and they provide a readily accessible range of colors. Other applications that could benefit from the combination of low-cost processing with solid-state performance include the use of colloidal quantum dots and rods as possible alternatives to semiconductor polymers in light emitting diodes 7 , lasers 8 , and solar cells 9 . The scope for these applications has prompted intensive study of the synthesis of these materials to optimize colloidal semiconductor nanocrystal fabrication. As a result, many new concepts for controlling the size, shape, and connectivity or coupling of colloidal nanocrystals have been developed first for these materials, but a unified set of synthesis control concepts is now also applied to other classes of materials such as metals and metal oxides. These materials will extend the range of potential applications for colloidal nanocrystals to many other areas, including catalysis.Over the last decade chemists have come to appreciate that from the point of view of synthesis, colloidal inorganic nanocrystals can be viewed as a class of macromolecule, with preparative strategies that are similar in many ways to those employed with artificial organic polymers. For nanocrystals of one to one hundred nanometers diameter, it is possible to define the average and the dispersion of the diameter, as well as the aspect ratio; the degree of precision with which the desired structure is realized is similar to what is achieved with synthetic polymers, where the preparative means at o...