The D 2 dopamine receptor has been expressed in Sf21 insect cells together with the G proteins G o and G i2 , using the baculovirus system. Expression levels of receptor and G protein (␣, , and ␥ subunits) in the two preparations were similar as shown by binding of There is considerable interest in understanding the action mechanisms of agonists at receptors (1-3). Agonists must bind to receptors, and this may be characterized in terms of an affinity of agonist binding. Agonists must also activate the receptor and associated signaling systems, and this property is often referred to as efficacy. Efficacy is exhibited in terms of the maximal effect induced by the agonist and also in the EC 50 of the agonist in activating the signaling system, which is often lower than the concentration of agonist which achieves halfmaximal occupancy of the receptor.For G protein-coupled receptors, an influential model of agonist action is the ternary complex model and its recent extensions (4 -6). In this model the receptor exists in an inactive ground state, which may isomerize to a partially activated state (R*) 1 that is able to couple more efficiently to the G protein to form the coupled active species (R*G). The formation of R*G may occur spontaneously, but in the presence of an agonist both R* and R*G are stabilized, and the ternary complex (AR*G) is formed. Guanine nucleotide exchange (GDP/ GTP) occurs in both the binary complex (R*G) and the ternary complex (AR*G). The binary and ternary complexes dissociate releasing ␣GTP and ␥ subunits of the G protein which can alter effector activity. The agonist may also influence ternary complex breakdown (7,8) so that there are several places at which agonism is determined.There is, however, evidence that some receptors may interact with more than one G protein so that influences on different signaling pathways can occur. If a receptor can interact with more than one G protein this may influence the potency of agonist action and the pattern of agonist effects, i.e. the pharmacological profile of the response observed through the different G proteins. For the 5HT1A serotonin receptor, it was shown that the receptor interacts preferentially with G i /G o /G z subtypes of G protein (9) and that the nature of the G protein subtype influenced the agonist selectivity of the response (10). This question was addressed more explicitly for the ␣ 2 -adrenergic receptor (11). Expression of G␣ o , together with the endogenous G proteins of NIH 3T3 cells, altered the agonist selectivity of the receptor; the partial agonists, oxymetazoline and clonidine, exhibited increased efficacy. The possibility that the pharmacological profile of the response depends on the nature of the G protein has been termed "agonist trafficking" (12).The D 2 dopamine receptor has been shown to interact with different G proteins to influence different signaling events (13,14). In one study, interaction with G o has been shown to lead to inhibition of calcium channels, whereas interaction with G i subtypes has been show...