Silicon-Germanium quantum wells were grown in p-i-n layers using a recently developed epitaxial technique. Nanostructural characterization (TEM, XPS, photoluminescence) indicates low-dislocation density, high quality films. Solar cells made of these layers have low leakage current.Current state-of-the-art near infrared photodetectors are based on InGaAs [1], due to WKH PDWHULDO ¶V (i) ease of integration with InGaAsP lasers for optical communication systems [2], (ii) high degree of tunability of the direct band gap energy and absorption [3] and (iii) low dark current using lattice matched wide bandgap materials [4]. The mature Silicon CMOS technology provides a lower cost platform while optoelectronics offers high performance and increased functionality. By integrating the two, one can meet the stringent market conditions of performance and functionality. Despite its performance advantage, current III-V technology suffers from (i) significant high cost of integration with Si CMOS [5], (ii) and high raw material costs [6,7]. Bulk Silicon is not suitable for photodetection in the telecommunication bands, since it cannot absorb strongly in the near infrared owing to its wide bulk band gap HQHUJ\ a H9 )RU WRGD\ ¶V RSWRHOHFWURQLF GHYLFH DSSOLFDWLRQV *HUPDQLXP holds great promise with an absorption spectrum (E g(direct) = 0.8 eV, E g(indirect) = 0.66 eV) spanning the telecommunication wavelengths at which Si is transparent. By growing Ge on Si, it is also possible to integrate CMOS circuitry with optoelectronic components on single chip, which promises higher density and extended functionality [8].Integration of Ge-based optoelectronic devices with Silicon demands high quality Ge layer growth. Ge growth on Si, however, is encumbered by the large lattice mismatch (4.2%) [6,7]. Nayfeh and coworkers recently introduced multiple hydrogen annealing heteroepitaxy (MHAH), technique achieving low defect density Ge layers on Si [8][9][10]. Here, we report the growth, optical and nanostructural characterization and device characterization of the MHAH-grown high quality thin Ge multi quantum well (MQW) films and the solar-cell characterization for devices made of these thin film MQW. The layers are doped in-situ forming an n-i-p structure with 10 pairs of quantum wells. MQWs provide (i) the ability to tune the material absorption by changing the bilayer thickness of each quantum well-barrier for operation at different wavelengths and (ii) the ability to exploit the quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE) for electroabsorption modulation [11]. In these applications, it is essential to control the layer thicknesses and material quality with a high precision. MHAH technique provides high materials quality as well as thickness precision. MQWs are one-dimensional periodic structures which can be utilized in various optoelectronic devices like near-infrared photodetectors, electroabsorption modulators based on the QCSE (which yields larger absorption difference than Franz-Keldysh effect for bulk), Ge-on-Si lasers. The on-chip ...