Incubation of Na͞K-ATPase with ascorbate plus H 2 O 2 produces specific cleavage of the ␣ subunit. Five fragments with intact C termini and complementary fragments with intact N termini were observed. The ) ion. Thus, cleavage patterns can provide information on spatial organization of the polypeptide chain. We propose that highly conserved regions of the ␣ subunit, within the minor and major cytoplasmic loops, interact in the E 2 or E 2 (Rb) conformations but move apart in the E 1 or E 1 Na conformations. We discuss implications of domain interactions for the energy transduction mechanism. Fe-catalyzed cleavages may be applicable to other P-type pumps or membrane proteins.Recent studies of structure-function relations of P-type cation pumps, such as Na͞K-, H͞K-, and Ca-ATPases, have focused on identification of residues of the catalytic subunits involved in cation or ATP binding or on their topological organization, comprising 10 transmembrane segments (M1-M10) (1-3). Cation occlusion sites are located within trans-membrane segments, and site-directed mutagenesis results suggest that side chains within M4, M5, M6, and M8 ligate cations (2, 4-6). The ATP binding site is located within the major cytoplasmic loop, and probable ligating residues are being identified by chemical modification or mutagenesis (1). By comparison with progress in these areas, our understanding of the energy transduction mechanism lags behind. Earlier studies provided a wealth of information on kinetics of cation transport, phosphorylation-dephosphorylation, transport-linked E 1 -E 2 conformational transitions, and cation occlusion (7,8). Transmission of force between ATP and cation binding sites and their structural reorganization in E 1 and E 2 conformations must underlie the energy transduction process. However, the structural basis of these events is poorly understood. Some evidence has been obtained using proteolysis or site-directed mutations. Specific proteolytic cleavages of Na͞K-or Ca-ATPase in the first cytoplasmic loop between trans-membrane segments M2 and M3, characteristically inhibit ATPase activity and stabilize E 1 conformations (9-11). In addition, there are several highly conserved sequences in the cytoplasmic domains of all P-type pumps, including TGES in the loop between M2 and M3 and MVTGD and TGDGVNDSPALKK in the major cytoplasmic loop before M5. Mutations in these sequences, in Ca-or H-ATPase, inhibit activity and stabilize E 1 forms (and in some cases also inhibit phosphorylation) (2,(12)(13)(14). Thus, the conserved sequences serve an important function, perhaps mediating conformational interactions between ATP and cation sites. However, their specific roles are unknown.This paper describes metal-catalyzed cleavage for study of structure-function relations and conformational transitions of Na͞K-ATPase. The use of complexed transition metals, such as EDTA-Fe or phenanthroline-Cu, for selective oxidative cleavage of nucleic acids is well established (15). Although specific metal-catalyzed cleavage of prot...