Our interest in the phase behavior of asymmetric, industrial organic fluids focuses on understanding the impact of phase behavior, particularly solid phase behavior, on flow assurance and other reservoir fluid management and production issues, as well as on heavy oil partitioning processes in upgrading operations. Recent developments in X-ray view cell technology allow us to examine the phase behavior of fluids containing large mass fractions of asphaltenes, and dispersed organic and inorganic solids, in a routine manner. Over the past three years we have been preparing detailed phase behavior maps, including phase densities, for the model system Athabasca Bitumen Vacuum Bottoms (ABVB), a 525þ C fraction ORDER REPRINTS containing 32 wt% pentane asphaltenes þ pentane, heptane and dodecane using a variable volume X-ray view-cell. The X-ray viewcell experimental program focused on the temperature range, 100 to 340 C, and the pressure range, 0.1 to 30 MPa. The mixtures exhibit complex but reversible multiphase behaviors. Over much of the phase space solids, if present, remain dispersed. Over a narrow range of conditions the solids tend to settle. In addition, adherent deposits, including solids and viscous liquids, are observed at temperatures less than 200 C over a broad range of conditions.