Background and purpose: For development of mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) models, continuous recording of drug effects is essential. We therefore explored the use of isoprenaline in the continuous measurement of the cardiovascular effects of antagonists of b-adrenoceptors (b-blockers). The aim was to validate heart rate as a pharmacodynamic endpoint under continuous isoprenaline-induced tachycardia by means of PK-PD modelling of S(À)-atenolol. Experimental approach: Groups of WKY rats received a 15 min iv infusion of 5 mg kg À1 S(À)-atenolol, with or without iv infusion of 5 mg kg À1 h À1 isoprenaline. Heart rate was continuously monitored and blood samples were taken. Key results: A three-compartment model best described the pharmacokinetics of S(À)-atenolol. The PK-PD relationship was described by a sigmoid Emax model and an effect compartment was used to resolve the observed hysteresis. In the group without isoprenaline, the variability in heart rate (30 b.p.m.) approximated the maximal effect (E max ¼ 43718 b.p.m.), leaving the parameter estimate of potency (EC 50 ¼ 28727 ng ml À1 ) unreliable. Both precise and reliable parameter estimates were obtained during isoprenaline-induced tachycardia: 517713 b.p.m. (E 0 ), 168715 b.p.m. (E max ), 49714 ng ml À1 (EC 50 ), 0.04270.012 min À1 (k eo ) and 0.9570.34 (n). Conclusions and implications: Reduction of heart rate during isoprenaline-induced tachycardia is a reliable pharmacodynamic endpoint for b-blockers in vivo in rats. Consequently this experimental approach will be used to investigate the relationship between drug characteristics and in vivo effects of different b-blockers. (2007) Keywords: S(À)-atenolol; isoprenaline; PK-PD modelling; rats; heart rate; tachycardia; b-blockers; NONMEM Abbreviations: b.p.m., beats min À1 ; C e , concentration in effect compartment; CL, clearance; C p , concentration in plasma; DHBA, 3,4-dihydroxy benzylamine hydrobromide; DPBEA, diphenylboric acid 2-amino-ethanol ester; E, effect; E 0 , baseline effect; EC 50 , concentration to achieve half-maximal effect (potency); E max , maximal effect; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography ; IIV, inter-individual (interanimal) variability; k10, elimination rate constant; k12, rate constant describing transport from central to peripheral compartment; k21, rate constant describing transport from peripheral to central compartment; k eo , first-order rate constant describing transport to effect compartment; n, Hill coefficient; PD, pharmacodynamics; PK, pharmacokinetics; PVP, polyvinylpyrrolidone; Q2, inter-compartmental clearance between first and second compartment; Q3, inter-compartmental clearance between first and third compartment; SMBS, sodium metabisulphite; ToABr, tetraoctyl ammoniumbromide; V1, central volume of distribution (first compartment); V2, volume of distribution of second compartment; V3, volume of distribution of third compartment; e, residual variability; Z, interindividual variability; y, value for population parameter P; s 2 , varianc...