“…(A) Replacing 135 mM impermeant external cation NMDG + with Na + , in the presence of invariant 2 mM Ca 2+ produces a 42% increase in peak inward current through TCa v 3 elicited by a voltage step from −110 to −45 mV (black and red current traces, respectively), indicative of a moderate mixing of inward Ca 2+ and Na + ions in macroscopic currents. (B) Mean percent increase in peak inward current at −45 mV (±SE), upon replacement of 135 mM external NMDG + with equimolar Na + in the presence of 2 mM external Ca 2+ , for TCa v 3 compared with previously published data for other cloned Ca v 3 channels (Senatore et al, 2014; Stephens et al, 2015). (C) Macroscopic currents for TCa v 3 are larger in the presence of 2 mM external Ca 2+ versus Ba 2 (inset), where mono-exponential curves fitted over activation and inactivation phases of the current waveforms (τ inact and τ inact , respectively) reveal statistically indistinguishable kinetics under one-way ANOVA.…”