EGETABLE crops are importantsources of vitamins, and minerals for human, and provides him with several bioactive compounds. Producing safe and healthy vegetables for human diet is of a great global issue. Thisneeds to exploit all available resources, particularly soils understressful conditions such as saline, saline-sodic, waterlogged and low fertile soils), climatic stress (drought, flooding, saltwater intrusion, and heat stress), and along with normal conditions. Nano-biofortification can support the vegetable productivity especiallyunder such conditions by using the biological nanonutrients. Bio-nanonutrients exhibitsmany distinguishableproperties than mineral forms such as higher biological activity, lower toxicity, and better bioavailability. Bio-nanonutrients also promote the vegetable growth, productivity and enhance planttolerance towards different stresses by reinforcing the function of antioxidant enzymes. Thus, production of biofortified vegetables under stressful conditions might be an optimum and sustainable solution particularly by using the biological nanonutrients like selenium. The controlling factors that are needed for a successful nanobiofortification program of vegetables are correlated with growing media, plant species, and method application of nanonutrients. The over dose of nanonutrients maycause a nanotoxicity for cultivated plants, and then human health after consumption. This problem can be managed by following the 4R Nutrient Stewardship concept, which focuses on the right rate, right source, right time, and right place. This program will be discussed in more details in this review article.