The role of many-body effects in quantum dots is of both academic and practical interest. We study the electron-electron interaction within a simplified spherical quantum dot using the local spin-density approximation. We experiment with a variety of confining potentials ͑triangular, harmonic, square well, etc.͒ and with a varying number of electrons (Nϭ2 to 20͒. We carry out a detailed study of the scaling behavior of the ''Hubbard U'' potential, which is a measure of the capacitive energy, with quantum dot size R (Uϳ1/R  ). We find that the scaling exponent  is Ϸ1/2 for harmonic confinement and equal to 1 for the square-well confinement. The dependence of the scaling exponents on the confining potential and the number of electrons N is elucidated. We also examine the relative importance of Coulomb, exchange, and correlation terms in the Hubbard U potential and find that correlation plays a relatively more important role at a larger size. We provide a partial explanation for the value of the exponent in the Appendix.