Crystal nucleation and growth at a liquid-liquid interface is studied on the atomic scale by in situ Å-resolution X-ray scattering methods for the case of liquid Hg and an electrochemical dilute electrolyte containing Pb 2+ , F − , and Br − ions. In the regime negative of the Pb amalgamation potential Φ rp = − 0:70 V, no change is observed from the surface-layered structure of pure Hg. Upon potential-induced release of Pb 2+ from the Hg bulk at Φ > Φ rp , the formation of an intriguing interface structure is observed, comprising a well-defined 7.6-Å-thick adlayer, decorated with structurally related 3D crystallites. Both are identified by their diffraction peaks as PbFBr, preferentially aligned with theirc axis along the interface normal. X-ray reflectivity shows the adlayer to consist of a stack of five ionic layers, forming a single-unit-cellthick crystalline PbFBr precursor film, which acts as a template for the subsequent quasiepitaxial 3D crystal growth. This growth behavior is assigned to the combined action of electrostatic and shortrange chemical interactions.electrochemistry | liquid metal L iquid-liquid and liquid-gas interfaces provide exciting new possibilities for material synthesis (1, 2). Contrary to solid interfaces, which exhibit strain and stress, heterogeneities, and defects such as steps, which all strongly affect growth processes, fluid systems provide soft, defect-and stress-free interfaces. The high mobility of reagents, products, and deposited particles in liquid phases facilitates the growth process as well as the selfassembly of ordered particle arrays at the interface.A large variety of materials has been prepared via deposition at liquid-liquid interfaces, such as metals (1), oxides (3, 4), chalcogenides (5, 6), polymers (7), plasmonic materials (2), and nanoparticle catalysts of ceria (3), Pd (8, 9), and Pt (10). As demonstrated by Carim et al., deposition at liquid-liquid interfaces even allows the synthesis of group IV semiconductors such as Ge from oxide materials via a simple one-step, room-temperature electrochemical process (11). Different methods for nanoparticle manufacturing, such as deposition by reduction of metal ions (12) or electrochemical deposition (11), are available at the liquidliquid interface, allowing for particle modification and growth control via adjustment of concentration or interfacial potential.Despite the absence of long-range order, liquid interfaces provide the possibility to control the crystallinity, shape, and orientation of deposits. Examples are the growth of single-crystalline CuO and CuS films (4), the surfactant-induced oriented growth of calcite crystals (13), and the formation of pyramidal PbS crystallites with defined, high surface area facets (5). These phenomena were rationalized by energetic effects, such as the interface energies, surface charges, and specific chemical interactions, as well as by the growth kinetics. However, detailed insight into the phase formation mechanisms is generally precluded by lack of atomicscale data on the in...