We have performed high-resolution powder x-ray diffraction measurements on a sample of 242 PuCoGa5, the heavy-fermion superconductor with the highest critical temperature Tc = 18.7 K. The results show that the tetragonal symmetry of its crystallographic lattice is preserved down to 2 K. Marginal evidence is obtained for an anomalous behaviour below Tc of the a and c lattice parameters. The observed thermal expansion is isotropic down to 150 K, and becomes anisotropic for lower temperatures. This gives a c/a ratio that decreases with increasing temperature to become almost constant above ∼150 K. The volume thermal expansion coefficient αV has a jump at Tc, a factor ∼20 larger than the change predicted by the Ehrenfest relation for a second order phase transition. The volume expansion deviates from the curve expected for the conventional anharmonic behaviour described by a simple Grüneisen-Einstein model. The observed differences are about ten times larger than the statistical error bars but are too small to be taken as an indication for the proximity of the system to a valence instability that is avoided by the superconducting state.PACS numbers: