In quantum spin-1 chains, there is a nonlocal unitary transformation, known as the Kennedy-Tasaki transformation UKT, that defines a duality between the Haldane phase and the Z2 × Z2 symmetry-breaking phase. In this paper, we find that UKT also defines a duality between a topological Ising critical phase and a trivial Ising critical phase, which provides a "hidden symmetry breaking" interpretation for the topological criticality. Moreover, since the duality relates different phases of matter, we argue that a model with self-duality (i.e., invariant under UKT) is natural to be at a critical or multicritical point. We study concrete examples to demonstrate this argument. In particular, when H is the Hamiltonian of the spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain, we prove that the self-dual model H + UKTHUKT is exactly equivalent to a gapless spin-1/2 XY chain, which also implies an emergent quantum anomaly. On the other hand, we show that the topological and trivial Ising criticalities that are dual to each other meet at a multicritical point which is indeed self-dual. Our discussions can be generalized to other symmetries beyond the spin-1 chains.