An experimental studyhasbcen carried 〔川 t te investlgate the self − excitcd shock wav 巳 osciUation on a 2D sy エn 皿 etrical circular − arc airfoil in internal transo エ lic fi (〕 w , and a new Clctermination modcl of the sllock wave oscillation frcquency is proPused . Shock wave p り sitions are meas しlred by using schlie τ ℃ n upticaT systenn and t刃vo ・ lirle scan camerus 、 The result sh 〔 〕ws that the phase differencc between shock wave position HucしuatiQns of each side ure alrnos し 18{ } degrees、 alld (, scillati 〔m fl 『 equencies call be suc じessfully estimated by the pr 〔 〕Posed 〔 } etcrmination rn 〔 , del、 In 亡 his model , it is ulniosL equal to the experiment valuc to set tl ユc charac し eristic puint as Xb − 1, 5. Key IVords : Sh 〔〕 ck Wave , Oscillation , Frequency , Airfoil , Transonic Fluw. Internal FI〔, w