Studying positive outliers, individuals who have achieved success with long-term (>6 months) physical activity (PA) engagement, may be an important approach for understanding strategies for improving leisure-time PA maintenance among African American (AA) women. This crosssectional, mixed-methods study 1) examined the personal characteristics, PA patterns and behavioral practices of positive outliers among AA women and 2) compared characteristics of those who maintain PA at recommended levels (HIGH, ≥150 minutes/week >6 months) with those who maintained low PA volumes (LOW, <150 minutes/week >6 months). A large sample of positive outliers completed this study (n=290) and most became physically active on their own (76.2%). These AA women were committed to maintaining an active lifestyle, accumulated 249.7±105.8 minutes of PA/week, and engaged in a variety of activities. Their behavioral practices included scheduling PA during the week (85.9%), goal-setting (82.4%), engaging in PA with others (55.9%), self-monitoring (78.3%), and having a backup plan for missed sessions (54.8%). HIGH maintainers (84.9%) made up most of the sample and these women were characteristically similar to LOW maintainers with few differences. HIGH maintainers have been active longer, achieved higher commitment scores, and engaged in PA at a higher frequency, duration, and intensity, resulting in higher weekly PA volume compared to LOW maintainers (273.8±96.1 vs. 114.4±24.3 minutes per week, p=<0.001). Our findings identify factors that may be important for