storage conditions are a major source of feedstock quality
variability that impact downstream preprocessing, feeding, handling,
and conversion into biofuels, chemicals and products. Microbial activity
in the stored biomass can result in heating that can modify or degrade
the cell walls of the biomass, changing its characteristics. Analytical
pyrolysis has been used to characterize biomass, but at temperatures
typically used (∼600 °C), the differentiation of samples
having different storage histories is subtle or nonexistent. In this
study, lower-temperature (400 °C) pyrolysis was used to show
large differences in corn stover samples that had experienced different
biological heating histories, indicated by pyrolysis products that
were identified and, in several cases, quantified using two-dimensional
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Pyrolysis of the samples originating
from biomass that had experienced biological heating during storage
generated small oxygenates such as furfural, 5-methyl furfural, and
2-(5H)-furanone with efficiencies that were as much
as ten times greater than those measured for samples that were not
significantly heated. Most of the pyrolysis products with enhanced
efficiencies were C5 oxygenates, suggesting formation from hemicellulosic
precursor polymers in the corn stover. The findings suggest that biological
heating disrupts the cell wall structure, fragmenting the hemicellulose
or cellulose chains and generating more polymer termini that have
a higher efficiency in the generation of oxygenates at lower temperatures.
Further, analytical pyrolysis conducted at lower temperatures may
be a beneficial strategy for improved biomass cell wall characterization
and the provision of insights to understand and manage the feedstock
variability and inform harvest and storage best management practices.