This research was carried out in Karasu and Kocaali districts of Sakarya Province in order to determine the suitable pollinators for Çakıldak in 2021-2022. In the study, 27 genotypes that were late male flowering, formed a large amount of catkins, had high pollen quality, had round nut shape and short husk length were examined. Pollen viability of the genotypes was determined between 22.3-93.7% according to the TTC method. According to the agar method, pollen germination rate was determined between 15.6% and 78.1% at 20% sucrose concentration containing 1% agar. 89% of the genotypes were round, 11% were in the oblong nut group. It was determined that most of them amount of male inflorescences (catkins) depending on the tree crown volume and age. T-22KRS02, T-22KRS03, T-22KRS07, T-22KRS08, T-22KRS09, T-22KRS10, T-22KRS11, T-22KCL11, T-22KCL14, T-22KCL16 and Mincane were selected to be evaluated in the second phase of the study.