We present a detailed description of a FORTRAN code for evaluation of the resonance contribution a Regge trajectory makes to the integral state-to-state cross section (ICS) within a specified range of energies. The contribution is evaluated with the help of the Mulholland formula [Macek et al (2004)] and its variants ; Sokolovski and Akhmatskaya (2011)]. Regge pole positions and residues are obtained by analytically continuing S-matrix element, evaluated numerically for the physical values of the total angular momentum, into the complex angular momentum plane using the PADE II program ]. The code decomposes an elastic, inelastic, or reactive ICS into a structured, resonance, and a smooth, 'direct', components, and attributes observed resonance structure to resonance Regge trajectories. The package has been successfully tested on several models, as well as the F + H 2 → HF+H benchmark reaction. Several detailed examples are given in the text. The package extracts the positions and residues of resonance poles from numerical scattering data supplied by the user. This information is then used for the analysis of resonance structures observed in elastic, inelastic and reactive integral cross sections.
Solution method:The S-matrix element is analytically continued in the complex plane of either energy or angular momentum with the help of Padé approximation of type II. Resonance Regge trajectories are identified and their contribution to the integral cross section are evaluated.
Unusual features:Use of multiple precision M P F U N package. Additional comments: none Running time: from several minutes to hours depending on the number of energies involved, the precision level chosen and the number of iterations performed.