“…The relative importance of the professional relahonsbp over the deca<ks is expressed m the volume of work conremmg communicahon (Buikett 1974, Ellis & Nowlis 1977, Gerrard d al 1980, Lewis 1973, Lynaugh & Bates 1972, Qumt 1966, Senescu 1969, the establishment of rapport (Robinson 1974, Travelbee 1963, the role of emohon m the nurse-pahent relahonsbp (Forster & Forster 1971, Goldsborough 1969, Holsdaw 1965, Sethee 1967, and more general discussions of the charadenshcs of the nurse-pahent bond (Burd 1966, Bursten & Diers 1964, Diers & Leonard 1966, Drummond 1964, Hale & Richardson 1963, Hays & Meyers 1964, Henderson 1964, Johnson 1965, Kovacs 1966, Murray 1963, Newman 1966, Orlando 1961, Peplau 1962, 1964a, 1964b, 1970, Travelbee 1964, Ujhely 1966, Wiedenbach 1964 Outcome studies have descnbed the use of the relahonsbp in teaching patients (Hays & Meyers 1964, Mun-ay 1963, Schmitt & Wooldndge 1973, for personal growth (Gregg 1963, Gunter 1962, Hale & Richardson 1963, for evaluahon of interpersonal processmg (Aiken & Aiken 1973), and for descnphons of the roles of task accomphshment and commumcation (Affonso 1985, Duff & HoUmgshead 1968…”