Large frame ring laser gyroscopes are top sensitivity inertial sensors able to measure absolute angular rotation rate below prad/s in few seconds. The GINGER project is aiming at directly measuring the Lense-Thirring effect with an 1% precision on an Earth based experiment. GINGER is based on an array of large frame ring laser gyroscopes. The mechanical design of this apparatus requires a micrometric precision in the construction and the geometry must be stabilized in order to keep constant the scale factor of the instrument. The proposed control is based on square cavities, and relies on the length stabilization of the two diagonals, which must be equal at micrometric level. GP2 is the prototype devoted to the scale factor control test. As a first step, the lengths of the diagonals of the ring cavity have been measured through an interferometric technique with a statistical accuracy of some tens of nanometers, and they have been locked to the wavelength of a reference optical standard. Continuous operation has been obtained over more than 12 hours, without loss of sensitivity. GP2 is located in a laboratory with standard temperature stabilization, with residual fluctuations of the order of 1 • C. Besides the demonstration of the control effectiveness, the analysis of the Sagnac frequency demonstrates that relative small and low-cost ring lasers (around one meter of side) can also achieve a sensitivity of the order of nrad/s in the range 0.01−10 Hz in a standard environment, which is the target sensitivity in many different applications, such as rotational seismology and next generation gravitational waves detectors.