The purpose of this paper is to uncover the social, technological and environmental need for the development of Open Lean Electricity Supply Communities (OLESC). It is argued that the development of such communities in the future should focus on increasingly serving markets of one for lean and green electricity. Within these markets electricity service providers will offer the opportunity to their customers to design individual demand load profiles through setting up virtual private networks to fit individual needs. Communities of this kind will enable just-in-time, mass customized, as opposed to just-in-case, mass supplied electricity. Integration of locally available renewable energy sources upon demand will enhance openness and customizability of electricity generated. Mass customizing electricity reduces the environmental impact and lowers electricity needs with respect to mass production due to just-in-time on demand production and elimination of all types of waste. A combination of appropriate distributed energy systems and leading edge information and communication technology to provide customized electricity is necessary. The fundamental components of the required information systems architecture in order to enable OLESC are presented.