New developments in the thin film solar market continue the trend towards solar modules with higher energy conversion while at the same time, reducing significantly manufacturing costs. Especially thin film technologies based on Cadmiumtellurid (CdTe) or Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se) 2 (CIGS) seem to be suited to improve the energy conversion and hence, take over larger market shares. With this work, we present our latest achievements towards a CIGS all laser scribing process with the emphasis on structuring the absorber layer and its implications to the production. While P1 laser scribing through the substrate is already implemented in production today a variety of different approaches, like lift-off, ablation, or remelting are possible for the P2 process where commonly a mechanical process is state of the art. One challenge which the P2 and P3 processes face is the layer side processing. Therefore a thorough investigation has been conducted including different laser wavelengths (355 nm to 1550 nm), pulse durations (10 ps to 100 ns), and beam shaping to find the best possible solution for each scribing process. Optimization took place utilizing not only resistance measurement and optical microscopy but also LSM, REM, EDX, EL, and Lock-In Thermography. Combining the best results of each scribing process and using a high speed, high accuracy motion system a functional lab size module has been produced with a reduced dead zone of below 200 µm. In an outlook, a way is presented on how to take the lab results into a productive system and place it in a manufacturing environment.