The isostatic state plays a central role in organizing the response of many amorphous materials. We construct a diverging length scale in nearly isostatic spring networks that is defined both above and below isostaticity and at finite frequencies and relate the length scale to viscoelastic response. Numerical measurements verify that proximity to isostaticity controls the viscosity, shear modulus, and creep of random networks. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.168303 PACS numbers: 83.60.Bc, 63.50.Àx, 64.60.Ht Random networks of springs display two distinct phases distinguished by the presence or absence of floppy modes-zero frequency motions that neither compress nor stretch springs. Floppiness is related to network structure via the mean coordination z [1,2]; networks with floppy modes reside below the isostatic coordination z c . Many amorphous materials possess an isostatic state, including fiber networks, covalent glasses, foams, and emulsions. Hence the viscoelasticity of damped random networks, which remains poorly understood, could provide insight into a broad class of materials, including the relationship between structure and response [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14].One dramatic impact of floppiness on response is apparent in the compliance JðsÞ ¼ s ðsÞ= 0 (Fig. 1), which measures the Laplace-transformed shear strain ðsÞ accrued after a small step stress 0 . At short times, networks creep forward with an evolving strain rate. At long times or small s, hypostatic networks below z c flow steadily (J $ 1=s), while hyperstatic networks above z c approach constant strain (J $ s 0 ). Thus networks with floppy modes are fluids, and those without are solids. The shifting curves in Fig. 1 indicate that elasticity and viscosity vary with proximity to z c . Consistent with prior work on networks [5,6,[11][12][13][14], these data strongly suggest that the isostatic state is a nonequilibrium critical point. We will show that the distance to isostaticity Áz z À z c indeed controls viscoelasticity in random spring networks, as it does in soft sphere packings [9,15].One expects to find a diverging length scale near a critical point [16]. While hyperstatic networks are known to possess an isostatic length ' à $ 1=Áz, it only governs quasistatic response above z c [17][18][19][20][21]. The isostatic length should have a generalization AE ðÁz; !Þ that is valid not only above z c but also below and at finite frequency ! (or rate s). Here we demonstrate how to construct AE and show that it is the size of a finite system in which elastic storage and viscous loss balance. We also relate AE to response functions such as JðsÞ and the complex shear modulus G à ð!Þ. We find their rate and frequency dependence matches those of jammed solids, biopolymer networks, and athermal suspensions [7,9,10].Random spring networks.-Maxwell's counting argument gives the critical coordination z c ¼ 2d for central force networks in d dimensions [1,2]. We generate networks near z c according to the protocol of Ref. [6]. Beginning with ...