“…However, applications in diverse areas such as forensic science (Bird et al, 2007), combustion research (Ehn et al, 2011;Ni and Melton, 1996), luminescence lifetime mapping in diamond (Liaugaudas et al, 2009(Liaugaudas et al, , 2012, microfluidic systems (Benninger et al, 2005a(Benninger et al, , 2006Elder et al, 2006;Graham et al, 2010;Magennis et al, 2005;Robinson et al, 2008), art conservation (Comelli et al, 2004(Comelli et al, , 2005, remote sensing (Esposito, 2012;Ge et al, 2012;Lin et al, 2012), lipid order problems in physical chemistry (Togashi et al, 2005), the spatial distribution of dopants in perovskite oxides (Rodenbücher et al, 2013) and temperature sensing (Bennet et al, 2011;Benninger et al, 2006;Graham et al, 2010;Mendels et al, 2008;Okabe et al, 2012) have also been reported. FLIM has been carried out from the UV (Li et al, 2004;Schüttpelz et al, 2006) to the near infrared (Becker and Shcheslavskiy, 2013) and it is not surprising that fluorescence lifetime-based imaging is widely used in the biomedical sciences, and that this trend shows no signs of abating.…”