We present an experimental study of the influence of quenched disorder on the distribution of flux avalanches in type-II superconductors. In the presence of much quenched disorder, the avalanche sizes are power-law distributed and show finite size scaling, as expected from self-organized criticality (SOC). Furthermore, the shape of the avalanches is observed to be fractal. In the absence of quenched disorder, a preferred size of avalanches is observed and avalanches are smooth. These observations indicate that a certain minimum amount of disorder is necessary for SOC behavior. We relate these findings to the appearance or non-appearance of SOC in other experimental systems, particularly piles of sand.PACS numbers: 05.65.+b, 74.70.Ad, 64.60.Ht, 74.25.Qt Self-organized criticality (SOC) [1] has generated great interest over the last 15 years mainly due to its wide range of possible applications in many non-equilibrium systems [2,3]. However, progress has been hampered by the fact that clear, tell-tale signs of criticality, such as finite-size scaling in the distribution of avalanches, have only been observed in very few controlled experiments [4]. Recently however, there have been a number of experimental observations of criticality in both two- [5,6] and three dimensional systems [7][8][9]. However, the critical ingredients to obtain SOC in an experimental system still remain obscure.Recent theoretical advancements have studied the nature of the criticality in SOC and made a link with phase transitions describing how a moving object comes to rest [10,11]. Such absorbing state phase transitions are closely related to the roughening of an elastic membrane in a random medium [12]. In these theoretical models, there needs to be an absorbing state phase transition underlying the process at hand in order to observe SOC. This critical state is reached by a self-organization process [13], which depends on slowly driving the system away from its state where everything is at rest. If the driving is not slow enough, the relaxations to the critical point may be disturbed by the driving, such that no critical state is reached [14]. Too strong driving may have occurred in some of the early experiments, particularly those performed in rotating drums and where the grains were dropped from a considerable height. The absence of an underlying phase transition, however, would be more fundamental and detrimental to SOC. In the case of absorbing state phase transitions, it is known that the presence of quenched disorder plays an important role in the nature of the critical point, such that this may also be an important ingredient in obtaining SOC behavior.Here we present an experimental investigation of the influence of disorder on the appearance or non-appearance of SOC. Therefore it is necessary to have a system, where the quenched disorder can be experimentally changed while leaving all other aspects the same, as well as having a system which has been shown to show SOC at least in some circumstances. We study the avalanche dynam...