Título: Unidimensionalidad y sobreestimación de la conciencia metacognitiva en niños: Validación del CATOM. Resumen. Los niños normalmente tienen dificultades para informar sobre su funcionamiento metacognitivo, hecho que, con frecuencia, les lleva a sobrevalorarse en situaciones de aprendizaje. Por tanto, este estudio pretende comprender cómo los niños (n = 1029) informan sobre su funcionamiento metacognitivo y ofrece una primera aproximación a la medición de la conciencia metacognitiva (CM) en niños. Así, tras observar que los resultados de un análisis factorial exploratorio indican que el instrumento de medida presenta una estructura unidimensional, se aplicó la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem para analizar dicha unidimensionalidad así como las interacciones entre los participantes y los ítems. Los resultados indican una buena fiabilidad tanto ítem (.87) como persona (.87), con un alfa de Cronbach .95 para la dimensión CM. Además, los resultados corroboran la tendencia de los niños a sobreestimar su funcionamiento metacognitivo y sugieren que el instrumento tiene un alto potencial tanto para la investigación como para la práctica profesional. Palabras clave: metacognición, conocimiento metacognitivo, habilidades metacognitivas, aprendizaje autoregulado, Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem.Abstract. Children often have difficulty in reporting their metacognitive functioning, which leads them to frequently overrating themselves under learning situations. Hence, this study presents a preliminary approach of how children's metacognitive awareness (MA) can be measured. Essentially, this study aims to understand how children (n =1029) report their metacognitive functioning. In a first analysis, EFA revealed a unidimensional structure of the instrument (MK and MS). Item Response Theory was then used to analyse the unidimensionality of the dimension and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability (.87) and good person reliability (.87) with good Cronbach's α for MA (.95). These results show the potential of the instrument, as well as a tendency of children to overrate their metacognitive functioning. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed. Key words: Metacognition, Metacognitive Knowledge, Metacognitive Skills, Self-regulated Learning, Item Response Theory.
1*) IntroductionThe literature on self-regulation (Pintrich, 2000) considers metacognition as one of its important components because it consists of individuals' knowledge of their own cognitive and affective processes, including their ability to consciously and intentionally monitor and regulate these processes (Hacker, 1998). Flavell (1976) first defined metacognition as active monitoring and subsequent regulation and management of processed information regarding concrete goals or objectives. Later, Efklides (2008) described metacognition as being a "critical component of the self-regulation process because" (p. 283) it includes self-awareness, which in turn, involves past experiences, beliefs and goals, as w...