The gradient Richardson number, Ri, defined asis a measure of the relative strength of the density gradient in stably stratified shear flows. Here, N 2 = −g(∂ρ/∂z )/ρ 0 is the square of the buoyancy, or Brunt-Väisälä frequency, g is the gravity acceleration, ρ is the fluid density, ρ 0 is the reference density, S is the vertical shear of the horizontal velocity, and z is the vertical coordinate. The critical Richardson number, Ri c , appears in the classical papers by Miles (1961) Gage (1971).The increase of the Reynolds number causes nonstationarity of the basic field, bifurcations and transition to turbulence, and the analysis of the effect of stable stratification in this case needs to take into account the increasing complexity. Laval et al. (2003) considered the effect of the Reynolds number, Re = VL h /ν, on forced, stably-stratified shear layers (here, V and L h are the horizontal velocity and length scales, respectively, and ν is the kinematic viscosity). In order to be able to deal with shearless, freely decaying flows, Laval et al. (2003) also used a Froude number defined as Fr = V /NL v , where L v is a vertical length scale. Using the Kolmogorov scaling for the rate of viscous dissipation , = V 3 /L v , one can re-define the Froude number as Fr = /NK , where K = V 2 /2 is the turbulence kinetic energy. An increasing strength of stable stratification corresponds to decreasing Fr. With increasing Re, a simulated flow underwent a series of successive transitions to states with increasing anisotropy dominated by horizontal pancake-like vortices. These vortices, however, could become unstable with increasing Re. The study concluded that "for any Froude number, no matter how small, there are Reynolds numbers large enough so that a sequence of transitions to nonpancake motions will always occur and, conversely, for any Reynolds number, no matter how large, there are Froude numbers small enough so that these transitions are suppressed."From these results, one can surmise that the adaptation of the critical Richardson number to turbulent flows is not straightforward. Since turbulence is an unstable, stochastic phenomenon, it lacks