Research on the principle of courtesy in language has been done by a number of previous researchers, but previous researchers discussed more elements of politeness, politeness scale and politeness strategies, but less examined the use of politeness performance. The purpose of this study is to provide a description of the performance of the politeness of oral communication of the national political figure Surya Paloh. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that is the object of this research is the maxim of politeness found in speech when communicating. The source of research data is a youtube video related to a speech delivered by National political figure Surya Paloh. Analysis of this research data is based on interactive techniques through, four stages of activity, namely (a) data collection, (b) data reduction, (c) data presentation, and (d) drawing conclusions and final results. The findings are six maxims of the politeness principle, first maxim wisdom 2 speech (2.5%), maximal generosity 13 speech (16.25%), maximal praise 18 utterances (22.5%), maximal modesty 5 speech (6, 25%), maximal agreement 27 utterances (33.75), and maximal sympathy 15 utterances (18.75%). Total data is 80 or (80%). So the maxim of politeness used by Surya Paloh in Political communication is the maximal agreement of 27 speeches (33.75%).