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DEC 20062
Same as Report (SAR)18
About the Intelligence Science Board MissionThe Intelligence Science Board was chartered in August 2002 and advises the Offi ce of the Director of National Intelligence and senior Intelligence Community leaders on emerging scientifi c and technical issues of special importance to the Intelligence Community. The mission of the Board is to provide the Intelligence Community with outside expert advice and unconventional thinking, early notice of advances in science and technology, insight into new applications of existing technology, and special studies that require skills or organizational approaches not resident within the Intelligence Community. The Board also creates linkages between the Intelligence Community and the scientifi c and technical communities.
ImpactBoard members initiate studies and assessments in topic areas where they believe that the Board's interdisciplinary expertise and experience could benefi t the Intelligence Community. In addition, the Board responds to tasking from the Associate Director of National Intelligence for Science and Technology and from the heads of elements of the Intelligence Community. All ISB tasks are mutually agreed to by the ISB and by the Associate Director of National Intelligence for Science and Technology. The Board's procedures for developing and communicating its fi ndings and advice will remain as fl exible and informal as is possible, consistent with the mission.
MembershipThe Board is composed of approximately 25 members whose range of expertise encompasses the physical and biological sciences, information technology and communications, information policy, and the law, among others. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not refl ect the offi cial policy or position of the Department of Defense, the National Foreign Intelligence Community or the U.S. Government
EDUCING INFORMATION Interrogation: Science and Art
The National Defense Intelligence College supports and encourages research on intelligence issues that distills lessons and improves Intelligence Community capabilities for policy-level and operational consumersEducing Information: Interrogatio...