Introduction / Aim. The interest in oral health quality and the tendency to evaluate, provide, improve and compare it, constantly is improving. The main objective of this research was to examine the effectiveness of health education program to correct habits, attitudes and behaviours of dental students.Methods. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Dentistry in Pančevo. The first stage was related to the survey, the measurement of oral health status and implementation of targeted health education. The second stage was conducted after the health education intervention, as: a survey of attitudinal and behavioural change and clinical measurement of oral health change. The sample consisted of 65 first year and 54 fourth year students, a total of 119 students. The following were defined as research instruments: the research record, questionnaires (the original questionnaire, HU-DBI questionnaire) and health education intervention for modelling factors that determine attitudes and behaviours related to oral health. The DMF Index was used to evaluate oral health and hard dental tissue conditions.
Results.At the beginning of the research we asked the students: "Do you think your mouth and teeth condition is good?". Contrary to our expectations, 15.4% of first year students and 37% of fourth year students did not know the answer, or think they have a problem. 80% of first year and 85.2% of fourth year students had positive attitude that once in a six months they should go to the dentist for a check-up. 7.7% of first year students didn't remember the last time they visited a dentist.Conclusions. Students of dental medicine do not have sufficiently clear attitudes and safe behaviour regarding oral health. Targeted health education intervention represents the method of choice to take care of one's own health.Key words: oral health, students of dental medicine, knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, health education program Аpstrakt Uvod / Cilj. Nedovoljno se zna o uticaju kliničke obuke o oralnom zdravlju na ponašanje studenata stomatologije. Interesovanje za kvalitet oralnog zdravlja i težnja da se isti proceni, obezbedi, unapredi i poredi, stalno je u značajnom porastu. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje efikasnosti zdravstveno-vaspitnog programa u korigovanju navika, stavova i ponašanja studenata stomatologije. Metod. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu. Prva etapa odnosila se na anketno istraživanje, merenje stanja oralnog zdravlja, i implementaciju ciljane edukacije zdravlja. Druga etapa sprovodjena je nakon zdravstveno-vaspitne edukacije, kao: anketno istraživanje promene stavova i ponašanja i kliničko merenje promena oralnog zdravlja. Uzorak istraživanja činili su 65 studenata prve i 54 studenta četvrte godine, ukupno 119 studenata. Kao istraživački instrumenti definisani su: istrživački karton, anketni upitnici (originalni anketni upitnik i Hiroshima University Dental Behavioral Inventory -HU-DBI upitnik) i zdravstveno vaspitna intervencija za modelovanje faktora koji određuju ...