Objective: To assess the prevalence of oral HPV in a Mexican sample and to establish their possible association to socio-demographical characteristics, habits and/or sexual behavior. Methods: 110 consecutive patients atending in an Oral Medicine and Pathology teaching clinic were orally examined and applied a questionnaire concerning demographical characteristics, habits and sexual behavior. At this moment a cytobrush scraping of buccal mucosa was taken and immediately immersed in 80% ethanol, transported to laboratory and centrifuged to obtain a supernatan. HPV identification was made through immunohistochemistry technique using antibody anti-HPV while confirmation of HPV presence and their typífication was done using MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ PCR technique. Possible associations of socio-demographical and sexual behavior variables with HPV infection were establish usng chi square test (p <0.05; 95%IC). Results: 39 (35.4%) patients were HPV-positive, most of them at their 5th decade of life; 74.3% of HPV-positive were smokers; 43.5% intakes alcoholic beverages and 25.6% were marihuana smokers. Their age of onset of sexual life was at 17 years old (Standar Deviation ±6.64), while 59% were sexually active and 64.1% actually practice oral sex. Statistical association of HPV positive male with oral sex (p 0.01) and with smoke marihuana (p 0.04) was establish. HPV13 was the most common HPV subtype identified; HPV53, HPV45 and HPV11 were identified too. Only Six of 39 HPV-positive patients presents HPV clinical lesion: 4 oral papilloma and 2 condiloma acuminata. Conclusions: Mexican population show high HPV oral infection, specifically male who practice oral sex or smoke marihuana.