“…It reveals that the black hole transforms visible neutral matter to invisible charged particles to effect mass-energy flux circulation through the four phases of reality. We deduce as follows from the results: The black hole/process: i) is not a hole, it is a spatial periodic envelope in which field angular momentum vector orientation of the periodic element's spin changes sign, i.e., an inflexion zone; thus, for matter (chemical) periodicity, the valences 0, ±I, ±II, ±III, ±IV, 0 translate to vector orientations: 0, →, →, →, →, 0, ←, ←, ←, ←, 0, or, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, where, in matter, the central zero is the atomic nucleus (or 'gap', Oldershaw, 1989) but the 'black hole' in spatial periodicity; the arrow, of course, indicates field vector handedness or electrostatic charge; ii) is not a singularity, it is an 'engineered' segment of vacuum space designed to effect the multiple processes of frequency modulation, transformation and re-orientation to facilitate inter-ref. frame spacetime matrix exchange; iii) results in bifurcation of the visible relative to invisible particle-generations universes PGUs thus; from e to Na we have, Obande (2015a):…”