We explore the phase diagram of interacting spin-1/2 systems in the presence of anisotropic interactions, spontaneous decay and driving. We find a rich phase diagram featuring a limit cycle phase in which the magnetization oscillates in time. We analyze the spatio-temporal fluctuations of this limit cycle phase at the Gaussian level, and show that spatial fluctuations lead to quasi-long-range limit cycle ordering for dimension d = 2. This result can be interpreted in terms of a spatio-temporal Goldstone mode corresponding to phase fluctuations of the limit cycle. We also demonstrate that the limit-cycle phase exhibits an asymmetric power spectrum measurable in fluorescence experiments.PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 64.60.Ht A quantum system that is coherently driven and connected to a heat bath eventually reaches a steady state; when the system is macroscopic, this steady state can be ordered in the sense of spontaneously breaking a symmetry [1, 2]. The patterns of steady-state ordering are, in general, qualitatively different from those of the equilibrium phase diagrams: for instance, the interplay between coherent and dissipative dynamics can stabilize staggered phases that are absent in equilibrium [3], and by engineering the dissipative terms one can optically pump a many-body system into a pure state [4, 5]. The forms of steady-state order [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] that have been investigated to date mostly fit into equilibrium paradigms, such as the Landau paradigm of spontaneous symmetry breaking or the paradigm of topological order. However, the departure from equilibrium allows one to realize novel types of order-specifically, limit cycles (LC) [16][17][18][19][20] which break time-translation invariance-that have no obvious equilibrium counterpart. Although previous works have predicted a LC phase within mean-field theory [18][19][20], it is an open question whether such a phase really exists or is an artifact of mean-field theory.In this work, we show that the LC phase exists with long-range order in three and higher dimensions and quasi-long-range order in two dimensions. We study a paradigm model of interacting spins-the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model in a transverse field-and find a regime where it exhibits a limit-cycle phase. We discuss the origin of the LC and study the effects of quantum fluctuations to go beyond previous mean-field works. We show by explicit, microscopic calculation that the spontaneous breaking of the continuous time-translation symmetry is reflected in the presence of a gapless "Goldstone" mode, and that this gapless mode prevents global timetranslation-symmetry-breaking in one or two dimensions. We then discuss this LC at a more phenomenological level, noting its unusual implications, e.g., that the temporal ordering of the LC phase gives rise to an asymmetric dynamical power spectrum of emitted photons. These predictions are straightforward to test in experiments with trapped ions [21][22][23] or Rydberg atoms [3,24,25].We want to contrast our paper with rec...