In the present paper we address several aspects of ionization-induced laser-gas interaction. First, we consider the ionization dynamics of an ultrashort laser pulse in the presence of additional electromagnetic perturbations, and show theoretically via dispersion relation analysis and numerically via 2D FDTD simulation that ionizationinduced scattering can occur even in the case of limited spatial and temporal scales and significantly affects pulse dynamics. Second, for the case of tight focusing of laser beam we show on the basis of numerical simulation that for 2D TE-and TM-polarized pulses there is a critical angle which delimits two qualitatively different regimes. For angles exceeding the critical one, the formed plasma distribution may become microstructured, otherwise the plasma structures are smooth. It is also shown than the critical angle and plasma-field dynamics depend significantly on pulse spectrum. Finally, we consider the impact of the electron collisions and Kerr nonlinearity and determine the boundaries within which the role of these effects is crucial.