We study the switching behavior of thin single domain magnetic elements in the presence of microwave excitation. The application of a microwave field strongly reduces the coercivity of the elements. We show that this effect is most profound at the ferromagnetic resonance frequency of the elements. Observations using time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr microscopy in combination with pulsed microwave excitation further support that the microwave assisted switching process is indeed based on the coherent motion of the magnetization. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.227207 PACS numbers: 75.60.Jk, 75.30.Ds, 75.75.+a, 78.47.+p In magnetic recording the increasing data rates require fast magnetization reversal in small magnetic elements. Thin magnetic elements in the deep submicron range of sizes favor a single domain state and often show a switching behavior as expected by the Stoner-Wohlfarth theory. However, due to the absence of magnetization reversal processes based on domain wall motion or buckling, this implies that for coherent Stoner-Wohlfarth magnetic switching a field larger than the magnetic anisotropy field needs to be applied along the magnetic easy axis for a duration of several nanoseconds. This long wait time is required since applying a magnetic field opposing the magnetization does not exert a torque on the magnetization and only thermal fluctuation or a small initial misalignment of the magnetic field can cause large angle precession of the magnetization. Finally the magnetization precesses into the direction parallel to the applied field due to relaxation processes. This slow and-if based on thermal fluctuations -to a large extent unpredictable process can be avoided in two ways. (i) Precessional or ballistic switching; in this case the magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the magnetization and the torque term of the equation of motion is used [1-3] to drive the magnetization reversal. This type of switching, however, requires a careful timing of pulse length and magnetic field amplitude B since a deviation from the product of B can lead to multiple switching and a loss of control of the final state [4]. (ii) An alternative route is to use an rf field perpendicular to the magnetization in order to assist the magnetic switching. The feasibility of this method was shown in magnetic nanoparticles by superconducting quantum interference magnetometry [5] and recently by magnetic force microscopy [6]. In this Letter time-resolved Kerr microscopy is employed to show that this mechanism is also present in micrometer-sized thin film elements. The static magnetization is probed by a time-resolved method based on the magneto-optic Kerr effect.For a single spin the magnetization dynamics can be described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of motion [7]:whereM is the magnetization vector,H eff is the effective magnetic field, is the damping parameter, and g B =@ is the absolute value of the gyromagnetic ratio. The first term on the right-hand side determines the resonance frequency and the second term re...