Objectives: Video-sharing Web sites are being used for information about common conditions including dizziness. The Epley maneuver (EM) is a simple and effective treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) of the posterior canal. However, the maneuver is underused in routine care. In this study, we aimed to describe and analyze the available information about the EM on youtube.com.
Methods:A YouTube search was performed on August 31, 2011, for videos that demonstrated the entire EM. Detailed data were abstracted from each video and corresponding Web site. Videos were rated on the accuracy of the maneuver by 2 authors, with differences resolved by adjudication. Comments posted by viewers were assessed for themes regarding video use.Results: Of the 3,319 videos identified, 33 demonstrated the EM. The total number of hits for all videos was 2,755,607. The video with the most hits (802,471) was produced by the American Academy of Neurology. Five of the videos accounted for 85% of all the hits. The maneuver demonstration was rated as accurate in 64% (21) of the videos. Themes derived from the 424 posted comments included patients self-treating with the maneuver after reviewing the videos, and providers using the videos as a prescribed treatment or for educational purposes.
Conclusion: Accurate video demonstration of the Epley maneuver is available and widely viewedon YouTube. Video-sharing media may be an important way to disseminate effective interventions such as the EM. The impact of video Web sites on outcomes and costs of care is not known and warrants future study. Neurology Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is caused by freely moving particles (i.e., canaliths) trapped in a semicircular canal of the inner ear.1 The Epley maneuver (EM) (i.e., the canalith repositioning maneuver) is a highly effective treatment supported by 2 evidence-based guidelines.2,3 The maneuver is simple and performed at the bedside in a matter of minutes using a series of positions designed to move the particles out of the canal. However, the EM is substantially underused in routine clinical care.